Friday, September 17, 2010

How does one de-fragment a tricky drive?

How does one de-fragment a tricky drive?

Start; adjectives programs; accessories, system tools, disk defragmenter.
Go to my computer god, right click and select manage. From here you will see a disk defragmentor. The more you use your pc, the more repeatedly you perform this btw.
Please follow the following step

Start> Programme files > Accessories > System Tools > Disk defragmentation.

When you click on disk defragmentation you will be given two opetions one for Analyse and other for Defragmentation.

When you select analyse it will bestow you the level of fragmentation within the disk

If disk is widely fregmented you may defragment it using defragmentation option

This leisure helps increasing processing speed.
Go to >START afterwards >All programs> then Accessories later System Tools then Disk Defragmenter. You will hold two choices 'analyze' or 'defragment'. You may also want to Run Disk Cleanup as well; it is within the same location.
start /// programs //// paraphernalia tools you'll see defrag left click and follow directions
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